Their story begins with Norman Lenhardt, who had a vision for the world. He wanted to protect and preserve America’s farm lands while also ensuring that we would have enough food to feed the world. When Norm was not advocating for farm preservation, city planning, or wildlife protection, he spent his time on his 170-acre farm. Today the farm is managed by Norm’s son, Rodger Lenhardt. In honor of Norm’s dream for land preservation, the farm has been put in a trust.
Norm’s Farms, founded by Ann, Rodger, and Erin Lenhardt in Pittsboro, NC, is a way of carrying on Norm’s work and vision. The Norm’s Farms family believes in the sustainable production of healing foods made with natural, simple ingredients–just like the elderberries Norm’s Farms grows. They have begun working with small family farmers in North Carolina to help establish elderberry orchards or a partial Elderberry Farm.